3 Phase Panel Board Wiring Diagram – Distribution Board

3 phase panel board wiring diagram post is about a three-phase panel wiring which is the main distribution board for 3 phase load. In the diagram, you can see the main MCCB (molded case circuit breaker). Which are 3 poles 600 Ampere MCCB circuit breaker. And have 5 other 100 Ampere circuit breakers. In the 3-phase panel board wiring diagram you will see an Ampere meter with a current transformer connection, some light indicators, and Voltmeters.

3 Phase Panel Board Wiring Diagram

Below is three phase distribution board wiring diagram shown. The wiring connection is started from the main 600 A MCCB circuit breaker. The main 3 phase four wire supply enters the panel board. The 3 Phase Line 1, Line 2, and Line 3 (red, yellow, blue) are connecting to the line points of the MCCB circuit breaker. The Neutral wire (black wire) was connected to the bus bar.

From the Main MCCB circuit breaker, the 3-phase supply goes to the upper bus bars. And for each 100 Ampere MCCB supply was got from the bus bar. And supply will go to each load from 100 A circuit breakers.

In the blue wire, a current transformer is installed which provides the supply to the Ampere meter. And the ammeter will show the total load running ampere.
Note that the ampere meter and current transformer are 200/5A. If you install a current transformer with an ampere meter for measuring running load. Then you must use the same ratio of CT and amp meter.

3 phase panel board wiring diagram

In the above, diagram two voltmeter are installed. This is 0 to 500 VAC panel board voltmeters. The first-volt meter will measure the voltage between L1 and L2. And 2nd-voltmeter will show the voltage between L2 and L3.

The 3 light indicators are wired in the 3-phase panel board wiring diagram. These light indicators rated voltage is 220 volts. For that neutral wire is also required. So the neutral wire is connected to all light indicators. And for each indicator there own line wire (phase wire).

In the panel board, we have also an earthling point. The earth wire was connected to the earth bus bar and panel board body also. You can see this in the above 3 phase panel board wiring diagram.

I hope you understand today 3 phase panel wiring diagram. Now if you have any questions according to the three-phase distribution board wiring diagram. Then you can ask in the below comments section. Thanks… for visiting and sharing this post…

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